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                Rosition Smart Home / Bathroom exhibition

                Smart Home / Bathroom exhibition

                Scope of exhibits:

                Smart lock: password lock, fingerprint lock, face recognition lock, iris recognition lock, finger vein smart lock, electronic lock, induction lock, remote control lock, etc.

                Clothes drying system: intelligent clothesing system and single products, electric clothes dryer, hand shake and floor-to-ceiling clothes dryer, balcony electrical and household products, household ladders, motor and electric solutions, related accessories and software products, etc.

                Smart bathroom: smart toilet, smart toilet cover, projection shower, smart bathroom mirror, smart shower room, whole bathroom and hardware, etc.

                Intelligent ecosystem: smart home systems, platforms and hardware, smart switches and electrical products, intelligent central control systems and optoelectronic systems, home air purification and new wind equipment, smart audio and home audio and video systems, home intelligent monitoring equipment, etc.

                Smart Buildings: Intelligent Monitoring Devices, Access Intercom Systems, Smart Appliances, Smart Communities, etc.

                Bathroom ware and accessories :bathtub, toilet, shower room, bathroom cabinet,ware,smart bathroom,whole bathroom, sauna, swimming pool, wellness and leisure, faucetshower ,ground leakage, bathroom pendants, mirrors andother hardware accessories.

                Ceramics and raw materials, accessories: all kinds of ceramic wall tiles, fancy lumbar tiles, wall tiles, square tiles, mosaics, glass, metal and composite materials, tile viscose and seams,color glazes, chemical raw materials, mold materials, Ceramic production equipment and laying tools.

                Past exhibitors
