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                Rosition About CCBD

                About CCBD

                Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition (short for: CCBD) was founded in 2004. After 21 sessions of steady development, its scale has leapt to the Top 3 among similar exhibitions in China and No.1 in the Midwest of China. Chengdu Bureau of Expo Affairs and Chengdu Municipal Committee of Economic and Information Technology are focusing on creating it as Chengdu brand exhibition.

                Chengdu Construction Expo is dedicated to the exhibition of "whole industrial chain" products in building decoration industry. It is characterized by overall home customization, roof and floor materials, smart home and bathroom ware, lighting, system doors and windows, new building materials, assembled buildings and gardens, and heating, ventilation and comfortable home, etc. It strives to provide overall solutions for the building decoration industry.