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                Rosition Building New Materials exhibition

                Building New Materials exhibition

                Scope of exhibition:

                Wall insulation system and materials: external wall insulation system, roof waterproof insulation system, insulation paint insulation insulation system, insulation mortar aeid concrete block, foaming concrete slab, clay plate, ceramic hanging board, rock wool, glass cotton, pearl rock fire plate, modified polyphenyl board, modifiedPU board, thermal insulation film.

                Inner wall insulation decoration materials: gypsum blocks, hollow glass tiles, inorganic insulation paste, lightweight wall partition strip board,PVC interior andexterior wall decorative board, decorative integrated insulation panel metal trim board and non-combustible inorganic composite board.

                Building roof waterproof system: asphalt-based waterproof coils, polymer waterproof coils, sealing materials, waterproof coatings, rigid waterproof and leak-blocking materials, waterproof insulation materials, all kinds of tile and metal roofing, waterproof materials complete sets of equipment and technology.

                Architectural coatings and industrial flooring: all kinds of internal and external wall environmental protection coatings, water paint, soft porcelain, real stone paint, new functional coatings; Water-based epoxy flooring with curing agent and flooring machinery.