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                Rosition The exhibition focuses on

                2020 20th Chengdu Architecture and Decorative Materials Expo investment work officially launched 150

                Chengdu, an important central city in western China, has been given a new economic status and significance under the new era. As the core node city of "Belt and Road", Chengdu ranks first among the new first-tier cities in China. With the "Belt and Road", the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the National Tianfu New Area, Chengyu Economic Zone and other national construction development strategy steadily advanced, Tianfu New Area, Tianfu International Airport, The transformation of the northern city, free trade test zone, park city and other major projects started construction, It is bound to promote the development of new impetus and great potential for the construction decoration materials industry in the central and western regions.

                2020 20th Chengdu Architecture and Decorative Materials Expo investment work officially launched 150(图1)

                2020  20th Chengdu Construction and Decorative Materials Expo (hereinafter referred to as:2020 Chengdu Construction Expo /CCBD) officially launched the investment work on June 1, the exhibition will be held in The West China International Expo Center from April 17-19, 2020. Under the guidance of Chengdu Expo Bureau, Chengdu Economic and Information Technology Bureau, China Building Materials Circulation Association, Sichuan Interior Decoration Association and other 28 industry associations / students / chambers of commerce, together with the Infuman Tian Yi Exhibition (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.Solid government influence; strong academic/association/chamber of commerce appeal; professional international exhibition enterprise organization service capacity; super group resource integration, will be given the 2020 Chengdu Construction Expo super high quality, will present a large home construction industry exchange event, to promote the new development of the building materials home industry in the Midwest.

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装⌒饰材料博览会招商工作◤正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓★中西部市场(图3)

                The exhibition is fully laid out and runs through the entire industrial chain

                2020 20th Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition preset "11 plus 2 plus 1" overall layout, that is, 11 product special exhibition halls, 2 new exhibition areas, 1 forum event hall. The exhibition area of 150,000 square meters, is expected to exhibit 1600 plus exhibitors, 90,000 and professional visitors. 2020 20th Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition is committed to the large home installation industry "full industrial chain" product display layout, detailed exhibition hall distribution: No. 1 door and window hall, no. 2 door and window hall, 3-4 door and window hall, 3-4 connection hall ceramic exhibition area, 4 smart home / bathroom, 5 wall / ceiling / floor / soft installation, 6 lighting lighting museum, Event Forum Hall No. 9, HVAC Water Purification Hall No. 10, 10-11 Connect Hall Kitchen and Electric Exhibition Area, 11 Custom Home Pavilion, 14 Custom Home and Equipment Museum, 15 Building New Materials Museum, 16 Assembly Building /Garden Hall, a comprehensive display of the large home installation industry industry-wide technology innovation and product changes.For China's most dynamic and potential Midwest building materials market to provide a more comprehensive business platform.

                2020第二十届成都建筑√及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启ξ 动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图4)


                Audience precision and high quality, brand promotion comprehensive and efficient

                Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition as a benchmark professional exhibition in the Midwest industry, with strong influence and appeal, industry professionalism has been recognized by the industry, professional audience not only the number of people continue to refresh the historical record, but also from different market segments of professional audience is more accurate. The exhibition will fully organize Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu and other central and western provinces and counties building materials home industry manufacturers and agents, real estate development enterprises, decorative engineering companies, architectural design institutes, construction companies, municipal engineering companies, landscape engineering companies, new rural construction units, property companies, Building materials e-commerce platform, building materials decoration city and other more than 20 categories of professional institutions / people to visit, is building materials home production enterprises to seek professional agents, build business partnerships, brand and product promotion of efficient business platform.For the major exhibitors, visitors in a short period of time, high efficiency tentacles home upstream and downstream industry chain professionals, establish the enterprise brand influence to create the most powerful conditions.

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图5)

                One-on-one business docking, efficient and accurate talk of cooperation

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图6)

                Activities are comprehensive and rich to promote the development of industry exchanges

                2020 20th Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition as the central and western building materials home market weather vane, to customize the big era, system doors and windows new concept, intelligent comfort / environmental protection and energy-saving trend as the theme, through the summit forum, works display, industry results display, award ceremony, new product launch and other series of 20-plus activities,Let the field personnel to understand the latest market and technology trends, professional knowledge and design concepts, to help you grasp the pulse of industry development.

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图7)

                2019 Chengdu Construction Expo Event Scene Glimpse

                Maximizing the coverage of in-depth promotion and publicity

                2020 20th Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition will be through online and offline, exhibitors professional audience interaction and other all-round multi-angle publicity channels, in addition to the traditional way of publicity, will use more new media, new forms of in-depth publicity, to ensure the quality of professional buyers to the scene, exhibitors to achieve trade cooperation and brand promotion win-win situation.

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图8)

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图9)

                With the comprehensive customization of home building materials into the rapid development stage, the rapid outbreak of the intelligent home era, the comprehensive popularization of system doors and windows, the country's strong promotion of green energy-saving and environmental protection building materials, a new generation of 80, 90 after the high demand for comfortable living environment, as the Most influential large home construction industry exhibition in the Midwest, Chengdu Jianbo is willing to work hand in hand with industry brand manufacturers, co-students / chambers of commerce, for a large number of large home construction industry people to provide a new product, new technology, new thinking and efficient business platform, so that industry colleagues understand the direction of industry development and transformation and upgrading to play a leading and enlightening role,To the Midwest and even the national building materials home market rapid development to start a positive role in promoting the 2020 let us create good results!

                2019·CCBD Review

                April 17-19, 2019 The 19th Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition (referred to as: 2019 Chengdu Construction Expo / CCBD), in the western China International Expo City successfully concluded, the exhibition in the industry with the active participation of colleagues, the exhibition brand quality, audience quantity and transaction intention volume are all reverse growth. According to the statistics of the organizing committee after the exhibition, during the three-day exhibition, the number of professional visitors exceeded 90,000, and the number of professional visitors increased by 46% from the previous session, reaching a record high.During the same period, 16 industry events of the type of new product launch, designer award ceremony, exhibition, industry summit forum, etc. were held, providing a platform for many exhibitors and buyers to exchange accurately.

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图10)

                2020第二十届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会招商工作正式启动 15万㎡展览面积共拓中西部市场(图11)